Catch the Replay! 28-August Webinar: BigFix Decoded: Pushing Beyond the BigFix UI with Session Relevance

28-August Webinar: BigFix Decoded: Pushing Beyond the BigFix UI with Session Relevance

In this session of BigFix Decoded, we’re going to dive into Session Relevance in BigFix. If you’re just getting started you’ll learn how Session Relevance is different from Client Relevance, and we’ll review use cases to get you started. For experts: JG Stew will give you some inspiration to further automate even more repetitive tasks, freeing up time for the things you’d rather be doing.

James Stewart (@jgstew from our BigFix Forum and podcast) will be showing you some of his favorite tricks. If you’ve seen JG present in the past, you know you won’t want to miss this one!

Register here:


Webinar kicking off in 30 minutes - it’s not too late to join us!