2016 server name showing 2012 on Bigfix Console. anyone can help me to fix it

2016 server name showing 2012 on Bigfix Console. anyone can help me to fix it

Do you means the server name or the OS name?

If it is the OS name you need to update the Bigfix client.

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Its OS name … client version already updated. is any other way to fix this issue…?

Which BES Client version are you using on the server?

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Hi Tim

Its …:roll_eyes:

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Your BES Client Version needs to be updated.
You should be able to use the v9.5 clients with a v9.2 server without any problems.

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Thanks for you value able information Tim…i will update client version and provide you the result info.

The minimum agent level is actually 9.5.3 for Windows Server 2016

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I am getting error during the installation of big fix client ( ) on 2016 server .:persevere:


can you please check the error Tim…Its not supporting some file on servers during the installation . any Idea how can i fix it .

Where is the masthead.afxm or actionsite.afxm file? This is needed for installing